Clafoutis with fresh figs: an easy and delicious recipe

Clafoutis, a traditional French dessert, are a simple yet sophisticated way to display fresh fruit. A delicate texture, easy to make and a delight to the palate. One of the most versatile desserts, clafoutis can be made with a variety of seasonal fruits such as cherries, berries, and plums. But today, we’re going to be taking a look at a lesser-known version of this classic dessert: fresh fig clafoutis.

Component :

500 grams ripe figs
100 g flour
3 eggs
100 g sugar
25 cl milk
1 tbsp vanilla extract

Preparation of Clafoutis with Fresh Figs:

First, preheat your oven to 180°C (thermostat 6), generously butter a pie dish or gratin dish.
Then wash the figs, remove their stalks and cut them in half, then arrange them in the mold by pressing them well, cut them from the top side.
In a bowl, beat the eggs with sugar until fluffy, then add the flour and mix well.
Gradually add milk, stirring constantly to avoid lumps, then add vanilla extract and mix again.
Pour the preparation over the figs into the mold, then pop your mold into the oven for 35 to 40 minutes, until it’s golden and slightly puffed up.
Remove the clafoutis from the oven and let it cool slightly, then sprinkle the clafoutis with icing sugar, if desired, before serving.


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