Easy Raspberry Smoothie: A low-calorie option for foodies

Raspberries are a favorite fruit of many, and with good reason.
They are low in calories, high in fiber and rich in antioxidants.
Plus, they impart a delicious and refreshing flavor that’s ideal for smoothies.
Smoothies are a great way to get essential nutrients while enjoying a delicious and healthy beverage.
This smoothie is an ideal option for those who want to boost their immune system.

Component :

250 grams raspberries
1/2 pot curd
12 cl milk
1 tbsp sugar

Preparation of Easy Raspberry Smoothie:

Smoothie without Thermomix:

First, put the raspberries in the bowl of your blender, add yogurt, milk, and sugar.
Then mix all the things for 1 minute.
Finally serve in 2 glasses, everyone will have a good appetite.

Smoothie with Thermomix:

First, add the raspberries, milk, yogurt, and sugar to the bowl of your Thermomix.
Then mix everything at speed 5 for 1 minute.
Then serve in two glasses and enjoy.


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