How To Make Thick And Fluffy Pizza Dough

Pizza dough is one of the most important ingredients of pizza.
It is the base on which the toppings are placed and is what gives the pizza its shape.
There are several types of pizza dough, each with a unique flavor and texture.
The most common pizza dough is made from flour, water, yeast, and salt.
Here I provide you the recipe to make thick and soft pizza dough, light and airy dough at home.


  • 700 g flour
  • 10g active dry yeast
  • 32 cl hot water
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp salt

preparation :

First of all, mix all purpose flour, baking powder and salt in a big vessel and mix well.
Then pour hot water from above and slowly add hot water and oil while mixing it with a ladle.
The dough should be slightly sticky – add flour if necessary – then form a ball out of your dough.
Take a floured work surface and knead your dough by hand for 10 minutes, pushing it back and forth and folding it.
Then make a dough for the second time, put it in an oiled bowl, cover it and let it rest for at least 1 hour so that it doubles in volume.
After resting, flatten the dough 2 to 3 times with your fist and then roll it into a circle with your fingers on a floured surface.
Then fold the border to make a bead.
Finally, your pizza dough is ready to bake.


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