No-Bake Raspberry Cheesecake: A great dessert option for those who want to impress their guests.

If you’re looking for an easy-to-make dessert that doesn’t require an oven, you’ve come to the right place. We’re going to share the recipe for delicious No-Bake Raspberry Cheesecakes that are perfect for any occasion. This no-bake raspberry cheesecake recipe is quick and easy to follow, and requires only a few basic ingredients that you can find at your local grocery store.

Component :

For Cookie Base:

  • 220 grams biscuits
  • 6 cl milk

Raspberry Coulis:

  • 200 grams raspberries
  • 50 g sugar
  • 6 cl water
  • 2 sheets of gelatin
  • 3 cl warm water

For Cream:

  • 450 g Greek yogurt
  • 300 g Philadelphia
  • 50 +20 grams sugar
  • 4 sheets of gelatin
  • 6 cl milk
  • 32 cl heavy cream

Preparation :

First of all take out the curd in a sieve and keep the heavy cream in the fridge.
Then line a springform pan with parchment paper, bands for the bottom and sides.

Preparing the Cookie Base:

Crush the cookies either in a food processor or simply put them in a food bag and then crush with a rolling pin.
Put them in a bowl and add milk and mix with a spatula to make a paste.
Pour your mixture into the mold and press down with the bottom of a glass or the back of a spoon.
Then put your mold in the fridge.

Prepare Raspberry Coulis:

Put the raspberries in a saucepan, add the sugar and water, mix and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.
Then blend everything with an immersion blender and using a strainer strain the coulis into a bowl and leave to cool to room temperature.

Preparation of Cream:

First, in a bowl, whip the Philadelphia cheese with 50 grams of sugar.
Then add the drained curd and keep mixing with mares to make a uniform mixture and keep aside.
Put 6 sheets of gelatin in a bowl filled with cold water and pour the milk into a bowl and heat it in a bain-marie.
Add 4 squeezed gelatin sheets to the bowl of milk and stir with a fork to dissolve them.
Wash 3 tablespoons of your cheese curd cream first, pour it into a bowl of milk, mix and pour the contents of the bowl into a salad bowl.
Mix with Maryse and leave your bowl at room temperature once again.
Remove the heavy cream from the refrigerator and beat it with a mixer with 30 grams of sugar.
Pour your whipped cream into the cheese-curd bowl and then mix in the Maryse.
Take your mold out of the fridge then spread your preparation on the base of the biscuit, spread with a spatula and put in the freezer for 30 minutes.
Pour 3 cl of warm water into a bowl then add the remaining 2 drained gelatin sheets and mix with a fork.
Take 2 tablespoons of the raspberry coulis, pour it into the bowl, mix, and then pour the contents of the bowl into the raspberry coulis salad bowl and mix.
Take your mold out of the freezer then pour your coulis on top, spread with a spatula and put back in the fridge for at least 4 hours.
Finally here is your cheesecake, unmolded, cut and served, bon appetit to all.


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