Crispy apple dumplings in kadhai, a real delight for your breakfast, here is an easy recipe at home and for the whole family.


– 180 grams flour
– 180 grams cornstarch
– 3 apples
– 1 tbsp vanilla sugar
– 35 grams baking powder
– 32 cl water


First, whisk together all purpose flour, cornstarch, vanilla sugar and baking powder.
Then add the water in batches, mixing with the spatula to form a slightly thick paste.
Cover the bowl and let stand for at least 30 minutes.
Wash and peel 3 apples and then cut them into slices and heat oil in a pan.
Dip each apple slice in its batter, then fry it in the sauté pan for a few minutes, turning when golden.
Place the donuts on the absorbent paper then continue the same operation with the rest of the rings.
Finally presenting your crispy apple donuts in the pan, serve and good appetite to all.


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