Sweet and light lemon cake, homemade pound cake, a treat for tea, here’s an easy recipe for at home and for the whole family.


– 300 grams flour
– 280 grams butter
– 300 grams of sugar
– 4 eggs
– 1 packet of baking powder
– Juice and juice of 1 lemon


First of all, preheat your oven to 180°, put butter on a cake tin and melt the butter in a saucepan, let it cool for a while.
Then mix the flour, sugar and yeast in a bowl, add the eggs 1 by 1, mixing everything by hand after each addition.
Add melted butter, mix then lemon juice and zest and mix everything to make a paste.
Pour your dough into the mold, then put it in the oven to cook for 45 minutes, check for good cooking with a toothpick, pour it in, it should come out clean.
In the end, presenting your sweet and light lemon cake, cut it and serve it, everyone has a good appetite.


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