Soft and Soft Orange Cake, a homemade cake that you can have with your cup of coffee, here is an easy recipe at home and for the whole family.


– 125 grams flour
– Juice and juice of 3 oranges
– 100 grams butter
– 120 grams of sugar
– 1 packet of baking powder
– 2 eggs


First of all, preheat your oven to 180° and grease a cake tin with butter.
Then using your mixer, beat the butter with the sugar in a bowl on medium speed, whisking the mixture well.
Then add the eggs, beating on medium speed after each addition.
After adding the flour, baking powder, zest and orange juice, mix all the ingredients with a whisk or beater to make a paste.
Pour your dough into the mold then put it in the oven to cook for 20 to 25 minutes, check the cooking with a toothpick, if you put it in it should come out clean.
Finally here is your fluffy and soft orange cake, sprinkle with icing sugar, cut and serve, good appetite everyone.


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