Delicious chocolate cream, a real delight for your dessert to serve with slices of fruit, here is an easy recipe at home and for the whole family.


– 225 grams dark chocolate
– 1 liter milk
– 90 grams of sugar
– 60 grams of flour or cornstarch.
– 2 eggs


First cut the chocolate into pieces, put it in a saucepan, pour milk on top.
Then put the pan on the fire and bring to a boil, stirring with a spoon to melt the chocolate, then keep it aside.
In a bowl beat the eggs with your mixer on medium speed until they turn white, add the flour or cornstarch, and continue whisking.
Once everything is mixed, pour the chocolate milk in batches while stirring on medium speed.
Put everything in the pan and keep on medium heat for 12 minutes, stirring with a spatula until the cream thickens.
Divide your cream into serving glasses and put them in the fridge.
Finally presenting your delicious Chocolate Cream, serve and good appetite to all.


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