Zucchini and Walnut Cake, a delicious soft cake for your afternoon snack, here is the easy recipe at home.


– 80 grams flour
– 400 grams zucchini
– 125 grams walnuts
– 400 grams of sugar
– 20 cl oil
– 3 eggs
– 1 tsp vanilla extract
– 2 tsp cinnamon
– 1 tsp baking powder
– 1 teaspoon salt


First preheat your oven to 180°, butter the cake mold.
Then wash, remove both the ends and with the help of a grater grate the zucchini and drain them in a colander, after squeezing them to remove as much liquid as possible.
Combine all purpose flour, baking powder, cinnamon, salt in one bowl and whisk eggs, sugar, oil and vanilla extract in another bowl until well combined.
Add the egg mixture to the flour, whisk and add chopped zucchini and walnuts on top and mix everything together.
Pour your dough into the mold and place it in the oven to bake for 35 to 40 minutes.
Finally you have your Zucchini and Walnut Cake, let cool, unmold, cut and serve and enjoy your meal.


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