Vegetable Pizza is a delicious recipe for your Sundays, especially for vegetarians.
So easy and simple to make Vegetable Pizza.


1 puff pastry – see recipe.
1 zucchini
2 tomatoes
1 yellow squash
1 red onion
150 grams grated mozzarella cheese
6 cl of olive oil
1/2 tsp red chili, cut into small cubes
1 teaspoon dry basil
2 cloves garlic


First, preheat the oven to 200° and grease a baking sheet with oil.
Then using a rolling pin on a floured work surface, roll out your dough, place it on a baking sheet, fold down the sides and prick down with a fork.
Then put the baking sheet in the oven for white cooking for 12 minutes.
While cooking, cut your vegetables into slices and mince the garlic, then heat the oil in a skillet over medium-low heat.
Then brown the small pepper cubes with the basil, garlic and salt, stirring for 30 seconds.
At the end of cooking, remove your dough, brush it with the contents of the chilled pan, sprinkle half of the top, then the vegetable slices and the rest of the cheese.
Then put your pizza in the oven for 12 minutes until the cheese is melted.


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