Small Jam Cookies, a delicious crunchy shortbread for your afternoon snack, here is an easy recipe at home.


– 175 grams flour
– 30 grams cornstarch
– 175 g butter
– 50 grams of sugar
– 1/2 tsp baking powder
– 2 tbsp maple syrup
– 1 tsp vanilla extract
– 4 tbsp raspberry jam


First preheat your oven to 180° and line a plate with baking paper.
Then sieve all purpose flour, cornstarch and baking powder in a bowl.
Then in another bowl, using your mixer, beat the sugar with the butter and sugar on medium speed for 3 minutes.
Once your mixture becomes frothy, add vanilla extract and whisk for a few seconds.
Pour over your flour mixture and mix to make a paste.
Make small balls and place them on the baking sheet and then press with your finger in the middle and put 1/4 teaspoon jam inside.
Then put your baking sheet in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes. Let it cool down for a while.
Finally here are your little cookies with a good appetite for jam, serving and everyone.


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