Pancakes with lemon curd, a delight for your dessert or breakfast, here you will find the easiest recipes to make it at home.


For Pancakes:

– 120 grams of flour
– 3 eggs
– 30 cl milk
– 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
– 2 tbsp melted butter
– 1 pinch salt

For Lemon Curd:

– 4 egg yolks
– 90 grams unsalted butter
– 135 grams sugar
– 8 cl lemon juice
– 1 tbsp lemon zest
– 1/8 tsp salt

For Garnish:

– zest of 1 lemon
– fine sugar


Preparation of Lemon Curd:

First of all boil water in a pot, reduce the flame and let it come to a boil.
Put the egg yolks in a heat-resistant bowl, add the sugar, lemon zest and juice, salt, and beat in a double boiler for 10 minutes.
If the curd does not thicken, then reduce the flame to medium and then beat continuously for 2 minutes.
After removing the pan from the heat, put the butter in crumbs and whisk it to melt … set aside while you prepare the pancakes.

Preparation of Pancakes:

First of all, mix all purpose flour and salt in a big bowl.
Whisk eggs, milk and vanilla extract in another bowl.
Then mix the contents of 2 salad bowls with a spatula, add the melted butter and continue whisking… reserving the dough.
Heat a large pan with some butter over medium heat and pour 1 ladle of your batter over it.
Let the dough cover the pan, let it cook for 1 to 2 minutes, then turn the pancake with a spoon and let it cook for 1 more minute.
Repeat the same process with the rest of the dough to make a total of 4 to 6 pancakes.


Take the first pancake and spread 2 tbsp of lemon curd on one half of it and then fold it into 2.
Spread 2 tbsp lemon curd over 1/4 of the pancake half – then fold it in 2 – you will have a pancake folded in 4, repeat with the other pancake.
Then sprinkle icing sugar and lemon zest over them while serving.
Lastly, here are your pancakes with lemon curd, serve and everyone has a good appetite.


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