You will love making lemon sorbet this summer season, here is an easy recipe at home.

Ingredients for 4 persons

– 4 lemons
– 150 grams of sugar
– 36 cl water


Preparing lemon sorbet without an ice cream maker:

First place a stainless steel container in the freezer.
Then wash the lemon thoroughly and make its peel – only the yellow part of the skin – and also make its juice.
Add sugar, water and lemon zest to a saucepan and heat over medium heat, stirring occasionally to make sugar syrup, then let cool.
Sift your syrup into another saucepan and pour the lemon juice over the top and stir with a whisk.
Take your container out of the freezer, pour in your mixture, and put in the freezer for 4 hours.
Every 20 minutes, take out your container and mix with the mixer on medium speed for a few seconds and put back in the freezer.

To make lemon sorbet with an ice cream maker:

Pour the lemon and sifted sugar syrup mixture into the ice cream maker and let it run.
If you want to use egg whites, then when you have a slightly frothy mixture, put 2 tbsp of the mixture in a pre-washed bowl.
Then whip with a fork and return your mixture to the ice cream maker and invert for about 25 minutes.
Then put all the things in the freezer and keep it in the freezer till serving.

Finally here is how to make lemon sorbet at home and good for everyone.


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