Thin and perfect pancake batter, the best quick and foolproof recipe, make your own pancakes at home for breakfast or dessert.
They’re so tender, melty, you’ll love them so much that you won’t hesitate to make them again and again.
With fruit slices, chocolate sauce or whipped cream, pancakes are an incomparable pleasure to savor an irresistible snack.


– 200 grams flour
– 50 grams cornstarch
– 4 eggs
– 50 cl milk
– 50 grams butter
– 2 tbsp orange flower water
– 1 sachet of vanilla sugar
– 2 tbsp sugar
– Salt


First sieve the flour and cornstarch, melt the butter in one saucepan and heat the milk in another saucepan.
Then in a bowl mix together all purpose flour, cornstarch, sugar, vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt.
Then add the eggs, melted and cooled butter, orange blossom water and slowly pour the milk over the top while whisking with a whisk.
After mixing everything, cover your bowl with film and let stand for 25 to 30 minutes.
Heat a frying pan with a piece of butter over medium heat, when the butter is melted, pour a dollop of your batter over it.
Tilt the pan so the batter covers the entire surface, cook for 2 minutes, then flip the pancake over and cook for 1 minute more.
Once your cream is golden on both the sides, remove it and cook another one, don’t forget to butter the pan after every 4 pancakes cooked.
Finally here is how to make thin and perfect pancake batter, garnish with your choice of garnish and serve everyone with a good appetite.


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