Easy Lemon Dessert Cream, a very melting delight for your dessert, here is the easy recipe at home.


– 4 lemons
– 150 grams of sugar
– 1 tbsp cornstarch
– 2 eggs


First start by making the zest of 4 lemons – the zest should be very fine – and make the juice as well.
Then pour the zest and juice into a saucepan – put a little zest at the end for decoration – and top with the sugar and cornstarch.
Place your saucepan over low heat, stir with a wooden spoon, then beat 2 eggs in a bowl using a whisk or mixer.
Pour the eggs into the saucepan and beat with a whisk this time over low heat and switch to high heat until your mixture thickens.
Then pour your cream into the jar and refrigerate until ready to serve.
Finally, here’s an easy lemon dessert cream, bon appetit tous, sprinkled with reserved lemon zest and some red fruit.


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