Delicious vegetable pancakes without flour, with evening soup, here is an easy recipe for at home and for the whole family.


– 4 potatoes
– 2 zucchini
– 4 eggs
– 1 bunch of parsley
– 80 grams grated Parmesan
– Oil
– Salt
– Chilly


First peel the potatoes, wash the zucchini and cut them into small cubes.
Then put them in a saucepan, pour water with salt, bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, wash and chop the parsley leaves, then beat the eggs in a large bowl.
Once your vegetables are soft, drain them and mash them lightly with parsley in a bowl.
Add the beaten eggs on top, grated cheese, a pinch of salt and pepper and then mix everything together with a spoon.
Heat a drizzle of oil in a skillet, shape your patties with dough, then cook them for 3 to 4 minutes on each side, turning them over with a spatula.
Finally presenting your delicious Vegetable Pancakes without flour, serve and good appetite to all.


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