Chorizo ​​Pizza

Chorizo ​​Pizza

Easy Homemade Pizza with Chorizo ​​and Mozzarella


300 grams pizza dough
4 large tomatoes, chopped (very ripe)
180 grams finely chopped mozzarella
4 artichoke bottles in oil (canned)
2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 chorizo, thinly sliced
8 speckled black olives
1 sprig of fresh thyme, chopped
salt and pepper


1- Preheat the oven to 240ºC. Make a disc from the dough and place it on the floured baking sheet.
2- Wash the artichoke bottoms thoroughly and cut them in half. Cut the olives into slices.
3- Brush the surface of the dough with 1 tbsp olive oil. Spread chopped tomatoes and olives on top. Cover with slices of mozzarella, season with salt and pepper. Divide artichokes and chorizo ​​slices. Sprinkle with oregano and drizzle with remaining olive oil.
4- Bake and cook for 20 minutes.


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