Best lemon cookie, a delight to have with your juice or afternoon coffee, here’s how to make it at home.


– 325 grams flour
– 140 grams of sugar
– 120 grams butter
– 1/2 tsp baking powder
– 1 egg
– Juice and juice of 1 lemon


Firstly, using your electric mixer, beat the butter and eggs in a bowl.
Once you have a creamy mixture, top with sugar, juice, and lemon zest, then continue whisking on medium speed.
Then pour the dough with yeast and knead a dough on medium slow speed, form a ball from your dough and film it.
Then keep it in the fridge for 30 to 45 minutes.
Preheat your oven to 180°, line a plate with baking paper.
Make small balls from your dough, place them on a baking sheet keeping a space between them and flatten them slightly with your hands.
Then put the baking sheet to cook in the oven for 15 minutes.
Finally here is the best lemon cookie, serve and everyone has a good appetite.


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