Donuts with Melon Cream, a delight for your dessert, I recommend here to make it at home.


For Donuts:

– 500 grams flour
– 80 grams of butter
– 60 grams sugar
– 36 cl milk
– 2 eggs
– 1 sachet of baker’s yeast
– Salt

For the Watermelon Cream:

– 1 watermelon
– 24 cl of whole liquid cream
– 60 grams icing sugar


Preparation of donuts:

Firstly put the milk in a bowl, add yeast to it, mix and let it dissolve for 5 minutes.
Put all purpose flour in another bowl, make a well in the middle and pour the milk-yeast mixture.
Then put eggs, sugar, butter, a pinch of salt in it, cover the bowl and knead the dough with your hands and let it stand for 60 minutes.
Then flour on a work surface, roll out your dough with a rolling pin and shape with a donut cookie cutter.
Place your donuts on a baking sheet covered with a baking sheet and let stand for 30 minutes.
Heat oil in a pan and then drain them and cook them and keep them on absorbent paper.

Preparation of Watermelon Cream:

First, peel the melon and cut its pulp into small cubes.
Put them in the bowl of your blender, add the cream and icing sugar, and blend on medium speed for a few seconds.
Then pour your cream into a bowl, dip your donuts in it.
Lastly, presenting your Cream of Melon Donuts, serve up and give everyone a good appetite.


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