W Watchers Skillet Zucchini. A delight for your starter, a WW recipe, easy and for the whole family, try it.

Ingredients: for 2 people – 2 sp per portion

– 2 zucchini
– 1 tbsp breadcrumbs
– 2 tbsp olive oil
– Salt
– Chilly


First cut the zucchini into slices.

W Watchers 1 Skillet Zucchini
Then take them out in a bowl and coat them with breadcrumbs.
Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat, then arrange the zucchini slices in the pan—do not overlap the slices.
Let it cook for 2 minutes, then turn it over and cook for another 2 minutes.
Finally, w watchers have your zucchini in the pan, sprinkle them with salt and pepper, and serve… good appetite everyone.


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