W. The Watchers Banana and Chocolate Pie. A delicious cake for your dessert or breakfast, a WW recipe, easy and for the whole family, try it.

Ingredients: For 10 people – 13 sp per portion

– 1 puff pastry
– 1 egg
– 3 tbsp brown sugar
– 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
– 12 cl cream
– 1 sachet of vanilla sugar
– 125 g dark chocolate, grated
– 4 bananas
– 40 g dark chocolate for garnish


First of all, preheat your oven to 180° and roll out your dough with a rolling pin.
Then roll out your dough into a round pie pan—press firmly against the bottom and sides and prick the bottom with a fork.
Whisk the egg, brown sugar, cinnamon, cream and vanilla sugar in a bowl, then peel the banana and cut it into slices.
Spread grated chocolate on top of the dough, place banana slices on top and pour the egg mixture on top.
Then put your mold in the oven to bake for 35 minutes.
While cooking, melt 40 grams of chocolate in a bain-marie and then spread it in a single layer on baking paper.
Let cool to room temperature then cut with a knife.
At the end of baking, let cool and place chocolate slices on top.
Lastly, here’s your W.Watchers Banana and Chocolate Tart, cut up and serve… Everyone has a good appetite.


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