Tomato and Mustard Pie, a delicious oven dish for your main meals with the family, here’s an easy recipe at home.


– 1 puff pastry
– 2 tomatoes
– 3 tablespoons of Old Fashioned Mustard
– 1 tbsp olive oil
– 6 cl of cream
– 1 egg
– Salt
– Chilly


First preheat your oven to 180°, line a pie pan with baking paper – let it pop out of the pan.
Then roll out your dough with a rolling pin and roll it out into the pie pan — on top of the paper — and prick the bottom with a fork.
Then put your mold in the oven to cook the blank for 12 minutes.
Cut the tomato into thin slices, then in a bowl beat the egg, a pinch of salt and pepper with the cream.
At the end of the dough, spread the mustard seeds in a single layer, place your tomato slices on top and pour the cream mixture on top.
Drizzle with oil then put in the oven to cook for 30 minutes.
Finally you have your Mustard Tomato Pie, slice it and enjoy your meal.


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