Soft Cake with Figs, a delicious cake for your family breakfast, here is the easy recipe at home.


– 1 pot of plain curd – keep the vessel for measuring
– 2 jars flour
– 1 jar of ground almonds
– 2 jars sugar
– 75 grams melted butter
– 500 grams figs
– 1 sachet of vanilla sugar
– 3 eggs
– 1 sachet of baking powder
– 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
– Salt


First preheat your oven to 180°, put butter on a cake mold, wash and cut the figs in half.
Then sieve together all purpose flour, almond powder, baking powder, cinnamon and 1 pinch of salt.
In a bowl beat the eggs with the sugar and vanilla sugar with a mixer until your mixture becomes white.
Then add the flour mixture and curd on top and mix everything with a spoon.
Then add melted butter and mix all the ingredients to make a paste.
Pour your dough into the mold, top with fig pieces, then bake for 40 minutes… let cool.
Finally here is your soft fig cake, cut and serve… Good appetite everyone.


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