Red Cabbage in Cuco, a delight to accompany your dish in the fall season, here you will find the ingredients to easily make this dish at home and with your cooks.


– 1 red cabbage
– 3 apples
– 1 onion
– 1 clove of garlic
– 24 cl water
– 1 cube of vegetable broth
– 4 tbsp wine vinegar
– 1 tbsp oil
– 1 tbsp brown sugar
– Salt
– Chilly


First start by removing the first leaves, wash and cut the cabbage in half.
Then remove the core and cut the two halves of the cabbage into pieces, chop the onion and garlic, peel and cut the apples into cubes.
Fry the cauliflower pieces along with the onion and oil in your cookery skillet in browning mode for 4 minutes, while stirring.
Then add brown sugar and stir in browning mode for 3 minutes.
Pour water over top, crumble bouillon cube on top, add vinegar, add minced garlic then begin to cook rapidly – ​​under pressure – for 12 minutes.
Then add the apple cubes and this time start cooking faster – under pressure for a period of 6 minutes.
Finally here is your Red Cabbage Recipe, which is cooked in the cookie, and served… a good food for all.


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