Here’s an easy recipe at home to make Italian lemon cake, for your dessert or to serve with juice during the afternoon snack.


For the dough:

– 200 grams flour
– 50 grams ground almonds
– 125 grams butter
– 75 grams of sugar
– 1 egg
– Salt

For Cream:

– Juice and juice of 3 lemons
– 24 cl milk
– 40 cl liquid cream
– 3 egg yolks
– 2 tbsp cornstarch
– 120 grams of sugar
– 50 grams ground almonds
– fine sugar


Dough preparation:

First of all, mix all the things in a bowl by adding all purpose flour, ground almonds and a pinch of salt.
Then add sugar, chunky butter and egg and make a paste by mixing it by hand – if needed add some cold water.
Then make a ball out of your dough, fill it up and put it in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Preparation of cream:

First pour milk into a saucepan, add cream, egg yolk, cornstarch and sugar on top.
After this, keep the pan on medium flame and cook till the mixture thickens while stirring continuously.
Remove the pan from the heat, then add the zest along with the lemon juice and almond powder, mix and let cool.

Preheat your oven to 180°, line your square mold with baking paper.
Take your dough out of the fridge and lower it onto a floured work surface and spread it into the mold – pressing down and on the sides.
Then pour your cream on top, spread it with a spatula and put it in the oven to cook for 35 minutes.
Finally you have your Italian Lemon Cake, sprinkle with icing sugar, cut into pieces and serve… Good appetite everyone.


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