How to make sponge cake quickly is essential to most pastry recipes especially during this Christmas holidays, here is the easy recipe at home.


– 150 grams of flour
– 125 grams sugar
– 4 eggs
– 1/2 tsp baking powder
– Salt


First of all preheat your oven to 180°, apply butter in a round or rectangular mold of your choice, separate the egg whites from the yolks and mix the flour with the yeast in a bowl.
Then in a large bowl using your mixer on high speed beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt.
Then add sugar and keep stirring at high speed.
Add the egg yolks, beat on medium speed then add the flour mixture and continue whisking at the same speed.

Pour your dough into the mold, smooth with a spatula, and then place it in the oven to bake for 20 minutes.
At the end of cooking insert a toothpick into your sponge cake, if it comes out clean it means your sponge cake is well cooked,
If it has flour on it, it means your sponge cake needs a few more minutes to cook.
Finally, cut your sponge cake in half horizontally and decorate it to your taste – mascarpone with fruit – and put in the fridge.
And here’s how to make a quick, easy sponge cake, don’t you think?


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