Extremely soft, hard brioche, a real delight for your breakfast, here is an easy recipe at home.


– 500 grams flour
– 24 cl milk
– 80 grams of butter
– 80 grams of sugar
– 3 eggs
– 20 grams fresh baker’s yeast
– 2 tbsp orange flower water
– 1/2 tsp salt


First of all, put sugar, 2 eggs, milk, salt in the bowl of your needer and mix everything slowly.
Then add water of orange flower with maida and keep mixing
Then crumble the yeast on top and let it knead on a slow speed for 6 minutes.
After 5 minutes go on high speed, add the butter into the crumbs and then knead another 6 minutes.
Make a ball out of the dough, cover it and leave it to rest for 60 minutes.
Grease a work surface, remove your dough by hand, make 6 balls, stick them into the cake mold, and let stand for 40 minutes.
Preheat your oven to 180° and crack the last egg and then brush your brioche.
Then put your mold in the oven to bake for 25 to 30 minutes.
Lastly, here is your super soft spinning brioche, cut and serve… Good appetite everyone.


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