I am a fan of pumpkin, you must have realized it. And despite my love for this squash, there’s one recipe I never shared with you: pumpkin puree, Here, it’s a bit of a rustic mash because it’s not completely smooth, which is why I prefer it. Old-fashioned pumpkin puree, almost a “pumpkin squash”.

Pumpkin was discovered too late for me. I think I started seeing him during my first years of living in Paris. in 2010. I had never met him before that. way of talking.

I discovered this soft and tender meat, first in this pumpkin recipe stuffed with chicken and mushrooms, then in a soup, with pumpkin soup with coconut milk. It was this soup that started my love for squash. I haven’t stopped since.

I invite you to discover all the Pumpkin and Butternut-Based Recipes on this blog!

However, there is a very simple recipe that I never shared with you, a recipe I do regularly: pumpkin puree, It is very easy as it requires really little material

Pumpkin Puree: Only 3 Ingredients

To make your mash a success, you’ll need 3 key ingredients.

  • Pumpkin : It’s understandable, but you need a young pumpkin, not too big, with very orange skin. You can put on the skin or remove it. Personally, I keep at it. I choose mine untreated squash and I love the distinctive flavor the skin leaves. Leaving a few pieces of it also gives some relief. If you do not like the bitterness, I advise you to peel it. This will give you a soft and smooth puree.
  • Butter : This is what will make the mash taste good. This soft, round, buttery flavor that pairs well with the nutty flavor of pumpkin. It will also contribute to the texture of your mash being soft and silky.
    If you have a lot of craving, you can also add a little cream to it. This will provide the fat, hence the texture and its fresh, dairy flavor.
  • Salt : Enough to spice up your pumpkin puree. I also recommend other spices, at a minimum, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, or a mixture of them all.

In my recipe below, I also use cream, garlic, and allspice to give the mash more personality. If it is served as an accompaniment to a dish, I strongly advise you to “type” your mash more with spices and aromatics!

What to do with Pumpkin Puree?
Easy Pumpkin Puree Recipe

Pumpkin Puree: With or Without Skin?

As I told you in the introduction, I prefer to prepare my pumpkin puree with the skin on, for a puree that’s a little more authentic and more rustic. It is less greasy, and has more bitterness. Choosing whether or not to keep the skin depends on 2 things: your taste, and how the pumpkin is cultivated.

I’d recommend favoring pumpkins that haven’t received treatment, or organic for the skin to consume. Otherwise, it is better to peel it. By keeping the skin you keep more vitamins and minerals, but also the elements that have been stored there…

The rind of the pumpkin is slightly more bitter than the flesh, so it gives more bitterness to your mash. Then it’s up to you!

Pumpkin puree with or without skin?
easy pumpkin puree

Mashed Pumpkin

Very simple recipe for pumpkin puree that will accompany all your dishes in autumn and winter!

preparation time: 30 Minute

Cooking Time: 20 Minute

total time: 50 Minute

Type of dish: Accompaniment

Eat: French

Part: 4 People

Garlic cloves and cream are optional, as is allspice. Still I think it gives an amazing taste to the mash!

easy pumpkin puree


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