Duck Legs with Honey at Cooko, a delicious addition to your main meal, here you will find the ingredients to make this dish easily at home and with your cooks.


– 3 duck legs
– 3 tablespoons liquid honey
– 1 onion
– 20 cl veal stock
– 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
– 2 tbsp olive oil
– Salt
– Chilly


First, chop the onion and brown the duck legs with the onion and oil in the bowl of your cooktop, stirring with a spatula for 6 minutes.
Once the duck legs are golden on both sides, top with the veal stock with honey, vinegar, a pinch of salt and pepper, and stir everything in.
Then start cooking rapidly – under pressure for a period of 15 minutes.
Finally you have your honeyed duck legs in coco, sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve with vegetables of your choice and enjoy your meal.


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