Here’s A New Aperitif Idea With These Duck Breast Skewers with Mango Chutney. This is a recipe I made last year, and I haven’t taken the time to introduce it to you before. I really don’t know why, but every time, I didn’t find the moment very appropriate… and what could be more appropriate than a proposed festive recipe for the holidays at the end?

This recipe is really simple and just delicious; This duck breast is expanded into strips, marinated in mango sauce, grilled and served with sesame seeds. Simple, and very effective.

Sure, it might seem a bit “lonely” for an aperitif, but I recommend serving it between other appetizer bites! You can also serve them as a starter, for example with shrimp in panko breadcrumbs and pumpkin puree! It is original and very tasty!

Duck Breast Skewers for an Original and Delicious Christmas Aperitif

I think you have already noticed that I love duck breast, and duck in general, for festive dishes in particular. I think it has a very sophisticated side that goes well as a main course or as an aperitif at Christmas. I’ve already suggested a few recipes with duck to start the meal: Homemade duck rillettes, very easy to make, duck shells, deliciously tender, or even dried duck loins. These gourmet cabbage and d’ onions with breast and duck breast! I rarely think of cooking fresh duck breast as an appetizer, favoring a dried breast or firmed thigh… that’s a shame because it’s a piece that’s perfectly served as an appetizer lends to.

Duck Breast Brochet with Mango Chutney

To make these skewers, I recommend taking breasts that aren’t too thick, so you’ll have strips that aren’t too wide. If that were the case, I recommend you cut the width again, and optimize the cooking time. We are here to eat to increase your appetite, not to quench your appetite.

I was a little afraid initially that the duck breast skewers would dry out, and in the end it didn’t. Since the meat is marinated, it is very tender. Cooking is relatively quick, so the meat doesn’t have time to dry out, just enough time to caramelize properly!

This recipe is designed for lovers of exotic delicacies and sweet and salty tastes. It is raised slightly as it should. I kept the marinade which I reduced, so I made the sauce with my little brochettes… it was truly divine, we really enjoyed ourselves!

What to drink with these duck skewers?

With these skewers of duck breasts with mango, I recommend a fairly tangy red wine with notes of spice (even liquorice, coffee) but also to keep the wine alive with a little tension. for youth. Need a wine that accepts even sesame seeds.. So a wine with a lot of character! I would go for a walk in the south of France, starting with a hermitage from the Rhne valley, then heading down to the Languedoc, to look at a Fougeres or even a Corbier! These wines can also follow you on the dish if it is based on duck or game bird (pheasant, quail, partridge, etc.).

Make way for this easy duck breast skewer recipe! I used ready-made mango chutney because unfortunately I didn’t have time to do it…

Aperitif: Duck Breast Skewers

Duck Breast Brochet with Mango

Delicious Caramelized Appetizer Skewers with Mango Chutney

preparation time: 10 Minute

Cooking Time: 15 Minute

Marinate Time: 1 time

total time: 1 time 25 Minute

Type of dish: aperitif

Eat: French

Part: 20 Lessons

How to make Duck Breast Brockets?


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