Homemade Lemon Meringue Pie is a real delight for your dessert, you’ll love it big and small.


For the Shortcrust Pastry:

– 300 grams flour
– 150 grams of butter
– 60 grams sugar
– 50 grams icing sugar
– 1 egg
– Salt

For the Lemon Cream:

– juice of 4 lemons
– zest of 1 lemon
– 80 grams of butter
– 140 grams of sugar
– 3 eggs
– 1 tbsp cornstarch

For Meringue:

– 3 egg whites
– 80 grams of sugar


Preparation of Shortcrust Pastry:

Firstly put sugar and icing sugar in a bowl, add a pinch of salt, mix, pour the egg on top.
Then beat them with a whisk, then add flour on top, mix everything by hand.
Then add the butter in pieces, mixing each batch into a dough.
Once your dough is formed, form a ball, wrap it in film and let it rest for at least 60 minutes.
Preheat your oven to 180° and grease a silicone pie pan with butter and then roll out your dough with a rolling pin.
Spread your dough out in the mold — the bottom and sides — cover it with a sheet of parchment paper and then lay it on top of the dried beans.
Place your mold in the oven to cook for 10 minutes, then remove both the parchment paper and the dried beans and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.

Preparation of Lemon Curd:

First put lemon juice in a pan, pour lemon juice on top and let it come to a boil and remove the pan from the heat.
Beat eggs in a bowl, pour sugar and cornflour on top and put them in a saucepan.
Whisk everything well, then put the pan back on medium heat and stir continuously until your cream thickens.
Remove the pan from the heat, leave to cool for a moment, then add the butter in pieces, whisking with a whisk to melt it.
Spread your cream on the dough in a single layer and use the spatula to set the pie aside.

Preparation of Meringue:

Put the egg whites in a bowl and beat with a mixer on high speed.
Pour the sugar in a trickle and continue whisking, spreading the meringue over the cream.
Then place your pie in the oven to cook for 1 to 2 minutes or use your torch to color the meringue.
Lastly, here’s Homemade Lemon Meringue Pie, serve and make everyone feel hungry.


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