Here’s a recipe with grains that varies and I get little cooking opportunity: I offer you a recipe Bulgur with Fried Mushrooms and Spinach, This is a delicious recipe and really easy to make. We often see bulgur cooked with “sunshine vegetables” (tomatoes, zucchini, aubergine, peppers), but I wanted to give you another look. Vegetable Bulgur With these more winter vegetables.

This year, I am again participating in the International Agriculture Show, which takes place from 26 February to 6 March. I begin Saturday the 26th by being present at the stand of SEMAE, an inter-profession of seeds and seedlings. Like every year, I’m going to be making a recipe during the recording of the show “Cook Midi”. Cereal is still in the headlines for this new version. Following on from spelt last year, where I offered a delicious spelt risotto as well as a spelt and salmon salad, this is the durum wheat I’m going to cook this year.

Durum wheat is rarely consumed, although it is available in its whole form. Derived forms are more often cooked, such as semolina or bulgur.

This fried mushroom bulgur recipe is incredibly easy and versatile! It can very well be made as a single dish and vegetarian, or even vegetarian. You can even use it with grilled white meat, chicken cutlets or lamb skewers, for example!

Bulgur with Fried Mushrooms
How to cook Bulgur?

What is Bulgur?

Bulgur is a word of Turkish origin, which is spelled in many different ways: Bulgur, but also Bulgur, Borghol, Borgol or Burgul!

As I told you, it is a derivative of durum wheat. Wheat grains are removed from their husks (bran) and then pre-cooked by steam. They are then dried and crushed. To cook, bulgur must be hydrated with boiling water.

Bulgur is a very popular ingredient in Middle Eastern cuisine: many dishes are made from this grain in Lebanese and Syrian cuisine, but also in Turkish, Iraqi, Greek, Bulgarian and Armenian cuisines. It is sometimes eaten plain, but is often embellished with vegetables, such as semolina, or used in pan-fried dishes, mezes or soups.

Simple Bulgur Recipe

Bulgur is cooked in the same way as rice or semolina, and can be used in many preparations. Its cooking method depends on the method with which it was made, so it is essential to refer to the packaging of your product.

You can cook the bulgur or rehydrate it by absorption. I prefer this second method which gives fully hydrated grains that don’t fall apart (this is a risk with over-cooked grains).

1 part bulgur to 2 parts water

Like rice, it is not recommended to cook it in large amounts of water. All you need to do is rinse your bulgur to remove dust and starch that remains on the surface. Then cover it with boiling water. Count 2 amounts of water for 1 volume of bulgur. You can also bring your water to a boil, cook on medium heat for 2 minutes, then turn off the heat and keep covered to rise. Allow 15 to 20 minutes for a thoroughly dehydrated and soft bulgur.

Bulgur Recipe with Roasted Mushrooms

How to make Bulgur with Fried Mushrooms

This recipe is inspired by a recipe by Yottam Ottolenghi. I must say that he is a real source of inspiration to me, and that every recipe I’ve tried from him is directly in line with my core principles. So inevitably, when I was told how to cook durum wheat, I immediately thought of this recipe for Bulgur with Vegetables, Bulgur with Mushrooms.

I adapted this recipe to my taste, added some vegetables and preserved this seasoning with balsamic vinegar and cumin, a real treat!

The balance between the bulgur and the vegetables is just right.

This recipe for Bulgur with Mushrooms is easy because you cook the vegetables on one side and relish the bulgur on the other, then fry everything in the pan for a few minutes to put everything together. A quick and delicious recipe!

Recipe for Bulgur with Mushrooms and Spinach

Now it’s time to make the recipe!

Bulgur with Fried Mushrooms

Bulgur with Spinach and Roasted Mushrooms

Delicious Bulgur Recipe with Mushrooms and Spinach

preparation time: 10 Minute

cooking time: 30 Minute

total time: 40 Minute

Type of dish: main course

food: French

Servings: 4 People

How to cook Bulgur?


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