The best quick pancake recipes, a treat you’ll love for your dessert, here’s an easy recipe at home.


– 300 grams flour
– 50 cl milk
– 4 eggs
– 60 grams melted butter
– 2 tbsp sugar
– Salt


First of all, mix sugar and a pinch of salt in flour in a bowl and make a well in the middle.
Beat the eggs in a bowl and then put them in the well and mix everything with a spoon.
Then pour the melted butter over the milk — in batches — and continue to mix with the spatula.
Heat a pan on medium heat then add a spoonful of your flour, tilt the pan to spread your dough.
Cook for 1 minute, then turn with a spoon and cook for 1 more minute.
finally here is the best recipe for quick pancakes, serve with chocolate cream and sliced ​​banana.


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