7 Recipes to Make with Cookio Thanks to Cookio for making it fun, a selection of easy and quick recipes to prepare.
To help you find your way, I offer you a choice of 7 recipes:
let’s start with:

1 – Tomato stuffed with minced meat in Cookeo

Cookie Stuffed Tomatoes with Minced Meat


– 6 tomatoes
– 500 grams minced meat
– 6 cl water
– 1 clove of garlic
– 1 sprig of rosemary
– 2 sprigs of thyme
– Salt
– Chilly


Wash the tomatoes well, empty the tomatoes with the help of knife and spoon and keep the pulp with the lid.
Chop the garlic cloves, chop both the oregano and rosemary, and then add them to a salad bowl with the minced meat, a pinch of salt and pepper, and the tomato flesh.
Make 6 balls from your mixture and put each circle in the tomato and close the lid.
Place your tomatoes in the tank, put in the water then begin to cook rapidly – under pressure for a period of 10 minutes.
Lastly, here are your Tomato Cookeos stuffed with minced meat, serve and everyone has a good appetite.

now i offer you the recipe of soft cake

2 – Soft Chocolate Cake with Cookie:



– 120 grams of flour
– 180 grams dark chocolate
– 100 grams butter
– 90 grams of sugar
– 4 eggs


First, put the chocolate pieces and butter in a heat-resistant bowl and melt in a bain-marie while stirring.
Then in a bowl beat the eggs and sugar using your mixer on medium speed or until a foamy mixture is obtained.
Pour the flour on top, stir with a spoon and pour the chocolate and butter mixture over the top and keep mixing.
Pour your dough into a mold – Suitable for Cookie – Add 16 cl of water to the bowl and then pour into your mold.
Then start cooking rapidly – for a period of 15 minutes under the pressure of your cooks… Let cool for 5 to 10 minutes before unmolding.
Finally, here is your cookie in soft chocolate cake, cut and serve… a good food for all.

For another main course I suggest this time:

3 – Cookie Pork Stir-Fry in Tomato Sauce:

Cucio Pork Stir-Fry with Tomato Sauce


– 750 g pork stir-fry meat
– 1 can of tomato pulp – about 400 grams
– 1 onion
– a cube of meat broth
– 2 tbsp cornstarch
– 12 cl hot water
– 1 tsp olive oil
– 1/2 tsp thyme
– 1/2 tsp rosemary
– Salt
– Chilly


First cut your meat into cubes, chop the onion and put the stock cube in a bowl diluted with hot water.
Then brown the onion and oil in browning mode for 3 minutes.
Add the pork pieces and continue to brown for 5 minutes, stirring with the spatula.
Add cornstarch, mix then tomatoes, oregano, rosemary, a pinch of salt and pepper with contents of bowl, and mix.
Then start cooking fast – under the pressure of your cooks – for a period of 30 minutes.
finally, kukiyo has your dish of sautéed pork with tomato sauce, serve with a dish of rice – kukiyo recipe – and enjoy your meal.

This time I present you a fish dish:

4 – Monkfish Blanket with Carrots and Potatoes in Cucumber:

Monkfish Blanket with Carrots and Potatoes at Cookio


– 600 grams monkfish
– 2 potatoes
– 3 carrots
– 1 onion
– 2 tbsp oil
– 12 cl of fish stock
– 6 cl of white wine
– 20 cl liquid cream
– Salt
– Chilly


First cut the monkfish into cubes, peel and cut the potatoes and carrots into cubes, chop the onions.
Fry the onions in oil for 3 minutes in browning mode.
Then add the carrots and potatoes and let them brown for 5 minutes, while stirring with the spatula, place your vegetables in a bowl.
Put the pieces of monkfish in a bowl and turn them brown while stirring for 6 minutes.
Toss your reserved vegetables with fish stock, wine, a pinch of salt and pepper, mix and begin to cook rapidly — under pressure — for 6 minutes.
At the end of cooking pour the cream on top and mix everything with a spatula.
Lastly, Cookio presents your dish of Monkfish Blanket with Carrots and Potatoes, serve and enjoy your meal.

And here’s another Cookie Pork recipe:

5 – Caramelized Pork with Cucio:

Cookio Caramelized Pork


– 500 grams fried pork
– 2 onions
– 12 tsp caramel
– 3 tbsp sweet soy sauce
– 1 tsp 4 spice mix
– 1 tbsp cornstarch
– 24 cl water
– 1 tbsp olive oil
– Salt
– Chilly


Use cardamom, clove, turmeric, nutmeg for 4 spices.
As far as caramel is concerned, either you use store-bought caramel or prepare it at home with water and sugar.
Chop the onion and then cut the pork into cubes.
Fry the onions and meatballs in your cookie bowl, stirring, for 3 minutes.
Then add the spice mixture, mix and pour the soy sauce, water, a pinch of salt and pepper over the caramel and mix.
Then start cooking rapidly – under the pressure of your cooks – for a period of 15 minutes.
Finally, here’s your dish of Caramelized Pork with Cookie, serve and everyone has a good appetite.

Here’s what I suggest this time to accompany your recipes:

6 – Mushrooms with fresh cream in coco:

Mushrooms with fresh cream at Cookeo


– 500 grams of mushrooms
– 24 cl of fresh cream
– 2 onions
– 1 tbsp butter
– 1 tsp lemon juice
– 3 tbsp chopped parsley
– Salt
– Chilly


First of all, slice the onion and brown it in butter with a spatula in browning mode for 5 minutes.
Then add the mushrooms, lemon juice, crme frache, a pinch of salt and pepper, stir and begin to cook rapidly—under pressure—for 7 minutes.
Finally you have your dish of mushrooms with fresh cream in coco, sprinkle with parsley, serve and enjoy your meal.

And here’s finally a chicken recipe

7 – Chicken with Curry Cream in Coco:

Cookio Curry Cream Chicken


– 4 chicken breasts
– 1 tsp curry
– 30 cl fresh cream
– 1 tsp olive oil
– 2 onions
– 1 pinch chili powder
– 1 tsp cumin
– Salt
– Chilly


First cut the chicken breast into cubes, chop the onion.
Then brown the onion with the oil in your cooker’s skillet for 3 minutes.
Then add chicken pieces along with curry, cumin, chilli and keep stirring in browning mode for 5 minutes.
Pour 20 cl cream over top, mix and begin rapid cooking – under pressure for a period of 18 minutes.
At the end of cooking add the rest of the cream or 10 cl and stir.
Lastly here is your curry cream chicken dish at Cookio, sprinkle sesame and parsley, serve and enjoy your meal.

Here I have suggested 7 recipes to make with Cookio, enjoy.


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