ww paneer brix recipe. A delicious accompaniment to all your dishes.
Try this Weight Watchers recipe, easy and for the whole family.

Ingredients for 4 people – per serving 2 sp.

  • 4 brick sheets
  • 12 thin slices of turkey ham
  • 40 g low-fat mozzarella cheese
  • Italian seasoning


First, spread out your leaves of the bricks, placing 3 thin slices of turkey ham in the center of each.
Then put 10 grams of cheese on top of each brick, sprinkle with Italian seasoning.
Then apply oil on the edges of the sheet and fold it towards the middle and seal it with water.
Heat oil in a pan and brown them for 5 to 6 minutes.
finally, serve them hot or lukewarm as a side dish and serve bon appetit with ww paneer brix recipe.


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