Easy Lemon Meringue Pie, a real treat for your dessert or for today’s breakfast, here is the easy recipe at home.


For Shortbread:

– 250 grams flour
– 80 grams of sugar
– 125 grams butter
– 2 egg yolks
– 2 tbsp water
– Salt

For the Lemon Cream:

– Juice and juice of 4 lemons
– 150 grams of sugar
– 3 eggs
– 1 tbsp cornstarch

For Meringue:

– 100 grams icing sugar
– 2 egg whites
– 1/2 tsp baking powder
– Salt


Shortbread preparation:

Firstly preheat your oven to 180°, put butter on a round tart mold.
Then in a bowl using your mixer on medium speed beat the egg yolks with sugar and water.
In another bowl, whisk together the flour and butter by hand and then add a pinch of salt to the egg yolk mixture.
Make a dough by mixing all these things by hand, shape the dough, roll it and then spread it in the mold and prick it with a fork from below.
Cover it with a sheet of baking paper, place on top of the dried beans and put in the oven to cook for 20 minutes.
Reduce oven to 120° at the end of cooking.

Preparation of Lemon Cream:

First put lemon juice and zest in a saucepan, add sugar and cornstarch on top.
Whisk all the ingredients on a low flame and then beat the eggs in a bowl using a mixer on medium speed.
Then put them in a saucepan and stir over high heat until the mixture thickens… Let cool for a while.
Take your dough out of the oven, then pour your lemon cream over the top, and spread it with the spatula.

Preparation of Meringue:

Firstly, using your mixer, beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt in a bowl.
Then add baking powder and icing sugar in a stream while stirring at high speed.
Then spread your meringue over the lemon cream and pass your fork over the surface of the meringue.
Then put your mold back in the oven to bake for 12 minutes until golden meringue.
finally this is easy lemon meringue pie, cut and serve… good appetite to all.


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