Honey and Soy Chicken Wings with Cucumbers, A Delicious Recipe for 4 People Here you will find the ingredients to make this dish easily at home and with your cooks.


– 750 grams chicken wings
– 4 tbsp salty soy sauce
– 2 tbsp sweet soy sauce
– 2 tbsp honey
– 2 cloves garlic
– 1 tsp oil
– Salt
– Chilly
– Sesame seeds


First, chop the garlic cloves and put them in a bowl and mix by adding two soy sauces, oil, honey, a pinch of salt and pepper.
Then add your chicken wings and mix with a spatula to coat everything well.
Then leave it on for at least 2 hours.
Then brown them in your Cookie’s bowl in browning mode for 6 minutes, stirring with a spatula.
Lastly, here are your chicken wings, cooked with honey and soy, sprinkled with sesame seeds and served with sauce of your choice, thin slices of parsley and red pepper and bon appetit.


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