Cookio chipolata potatoes are a real delight for your lunch, here you will find the ingredients to make this dish easily at home and with your cooks.


– 500 grams potatoes
– 6 chipotas
– 12 cherry tomatoes
– 1 onion
– 2 tablespoons veal stock
– 20 cl water
– Provence Herbs
– Salt
– Chilly


First, peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes, cut the chipolatas into pieces and the cherry tomatoes in half, chop the onions.
Then brown both the onion and the chipotle in your cooker’s tank, stirring with a spatula, for 2 to 3 minutes.
Meanwhile, dissolve the veal stock in 20 cl of water.
Add potatoes, tomatoes, herbs, a pinch of salt and pepper, water and mix everything.
Then start cooking rapidly – under pressure from your cooks – for a period of 8 minutes.
Lastly, here is your dish of Potatoes with Chipolatas in Coco, serve and make everyone have a good appetite.


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