Ultra soft and melting chocolate cake, a delicious cake for your afternoon snack or dessert, here is an easy recipe at home.


– 100 grams flour
– 400 grams dark chocolate
– 200 g butter
– 125 grams sugar
– 6 eggs
– 1 sachet of baking powder
– 25 grams bitter cocoa


First preheat your oven to 160°, butter a cake mold and separate the white from the egg yolk.
Then melt the butter and chocolate in crumbs in a saucepan, stirring with a whisk over low heat.
Remove the pan from the heat, then add the flour, sugar, baking powder and egg yolks over the top, then beat with a whisk.
Beat the egg whites in a bowl with a mixer on medium speed and then pour them into the pan and mix with a spatula.
Then pour your mixture into the mold and place it in the oven to bake for 45 minutes.
To check that it is cooked properly, all you have to do is prick the cake with a toothpick, it should come out clean.
Finally you have your ultra soft and melting chocolate cake, sprinkle with cocoa, cut and serve… Good appetite to all.


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