Quiche Lorraine with bacon and cheese is a real delight of French cuisine for your main course, have it with a salad.


For the dough:

– 380 grams flour
– 125 grams butter
– 6 cl very cold water
– Salt

For Garnish:

– 8 slices of bacon cooked and crumbled
– 350 grams grated cheese
– 4 eggs
– 50 cl liquid cream
– 1/4 tsp nutmeg
– Salt
– Chilly


Dough preparation:

First of all, preheat your oven to 180°, put butter on a pie pan.
Then in a big bowl, add a pinch of salt to the flour, add butter in pieces and mix all the things by hand.
Pour over water and then mix your mixture by hand to form a paste.
Make a ball out of your dough, wrap it in film and put it in the fridge for 20 minutes.
Flour on a work surface, roll out your dough with a rolling pin then roll it into a mold and prick the bottom with a fork.

Filling Preparation:

In a bowl beat the eggs with the cream along with a pinch of salt and pepper and nutmeg.
Spread your bacon and grated cheese on top of your dough then pour your egg and cream mixture on top.
Then put your mold in the oven to cook for 40 to 45 minutes.
Finally here is your Lorraine with Bacon and Cheese, cut and serve, enjoy your meal.


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