Penne, Mushroom and Ham in Cookie’s, A Delicious Pasta Dish for Your Dinner, Here you will find the ingredients to easily make this dish at home and with your cooks.


– 250 grams penne pasta
– 250 grams of mushrooms
– 150 grams chopped ham
– 1 onion
– 150 grams peas
– 1 tsp olive oil
– 24 cl water
– 60 grams fresh cream
– Salt
– Chilly


First, chop the onion and cut the mushroom into slices.
Then brown them with the oil in your coco’s skillet while stirring in browning mode for 3 minutes.
Add pasta, peas, water to cover them, a pinch of salt and pepper and mix.
Then start cooking rapidly – under pressure for a period of 6 minutes.
At the end of cooking add cream and ham and stir everything in browning mode for a few seconds.
Lastly, here is your dish of penne, mushrooms and ham at Cookie’s, sprinkle chives or chopped parsley on top, serve and everyone has a good appetite.


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