multivitamin juice recipe ww. A delicious multifruit juice to give your body a boost.
Try this Weight Watchers recipe, easy and for the whole family.

Ingredients for 2 glasses – sp 0 per serving.

  • 2 oranges
  • 2 apples
  • 4 carrots


First wash the carrot and apple, remove the ends of the carrot, peel it and cut it into 2 pieces.
Then cut the apple into 4 pieces, remove the seeds, peel the orange and cut it in half.
Make orange juice, then put apples and carrots in the centrifuge.
Combine both the juices then pass the whole thing through a colander so that the juice is without pulp.
Lastly, keep the juice in the fridge till it is ready to serve, serve with ice cubes.


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