Lemon and Marshmallow Cream Tart, a real treat for your dessert or afternoon snack, here’s an easy recipe at home.


to base:

– 240 grams cookies
– 2 tbsp sugar
– 4 tablespoons melted butter

For Marshmallow Cream:

– 1 egg white
– 6 cl of light corn syrup
– 50 grams icing sugar
– 2 tsp vanilla extract
– 1/4 tsp salt

For the Lemon Cream:

– 6 cl of lemon juice
– 75 grams unsalted butter
– 50 grams of sugar
– 3 eggs
– 1 tbsp grated lemon zest


Preparation of Lemon Cream:

First, put lemon juice in a saucepan, add lemon zest, sugar, beaten eggs and butter in pieces.
Whisk for a moment, then place the pan over medium heat for 6 minutes, stirring from time to time.
Once your mixture is thick enough, remove the saucepan from the heat, sift your cream into a bowl, film it, and let cool.

Preparation of Marshmallow Cream:

firstly, beat the egg whites along with the corn syrup and salt in a bowl with an electric mixer on high speed for 5 minutes.
Once your mixture has doubled in volume, switch to slow speed and add icing sugar while whisking.
Then add vanilla extract and continue whisking for 1 more minute, wrap your salad bowl and set aside.

Base preparation:

First preheat your oven to 180° and butter a tart mold.
Crush your cookies either in your food processor or use a rolling pin and food bag to put them in a salad bowl.
Then pour melted butter and sugar on top and mix everything with a spoon.
Press your mixture into the mold by hand – on the bottom and sides – then put in the oven to cook for 6 to 8 minutes… let cool.

In a salad bowl, mix the two creams with a spatula, then pour over the dough, spreading the surface with the spatula.
Then put your mold in the fridge for at least 6 hours.
Finally you have your lemon and marshmallow cream tart, sliced ​​and serve with strawberry slices and bon appetit for everyone.


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