How to make hard and soft brioche, a real pleasure to serve with cottage cheese, jam or chocolate cream for breakfast or with your cup of coffee.


– 500 grams flour
– 24 cl milk
– 90 grams butter
– 75 grams of sugar
– 20 grams fresh baker’s yeast
– 2 tbsp orange flower water
– 3 eggs
– 1/2 tsp salt


First put the milk in the bowl of your food processor, top with sugar, 2 eggs and salt, mix them with a spatula.
Then add all purpose flour, orange blossom and start kneading program for 6 minutes on medium speed, knead the dough on top.
Then switch to high speed and allow to knead for 6 minutes.
Then put the butter in small pieces and knead for another 6 minutes.
Remove the dough from your food processor, form a ball, cover it, and let it rest for 60 to 90 minutes.
Knead the dough on a work surface then degauss your dough by hand, form a ball, flour the plank and degas it again.
The more you drop your flour, the softer and airier your dough becomes.
Divide your dough into 4 balls, then place them in a buttered mold with no sticking to each other, cover with tea towels, and leave to rest for at least 45 minutes.
Preheat your oven to 180° and crack the remaining eggs, brush your brioche, and then put in the oven to cook for 25 minutes.
Finally here’s how to make a hard and soft brioche, served to all and have a good appetite.


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