English style egg sandwich, a delight to have for your Sunday breakfast, here is the easy recipe at home.


For Bread – English Muffins:

– 350 grams flour
– 40 cl warm milk
– 50 grams cornstarch
– 2 tbsp honey
– 2 tsp instant yeast
– 1 egg
– 3 tablespoons melted butter
– 3/4 teaspoon salt

For the Hollandaise Sauce:

– 4 tbsp butter
– 4 egg yolks
– 2 tbsp lemon juice
– 1 tbsp thick whipped cream
– Salt
– Chilly

– 4 eggs
– 4 slices of bacon


Preparing Bread – English Muffins:

First put milk in a bowl, add yeast, honey, beaten egg, butter, salt and 150 grams of flour and mix all the things together.
Then add the remaining flour and mix with a spoon and let stand for 25 minutes.
Line a baking sheet with baking paper, sprinkle half of the paper with cornstarch and then place your disc–mold on top.
Divide your dough between discs — press down with your hand if necessary — then sprinkle with the rest of the cornflour.
Cover the disc with a clean cloth and let stand for at least 90 minutes.
Heat a pan on medium heat then place each disc in it and after removing the disc cook for 5 minutes and cook for 2 more minutes.
Then turn with a spoon and cook for 7 minutes so that it turns golden brown from both the sides…repeat with the rest.

Preparation of Hollandaise Sauce:

First melt the butter in a small saucepan.
Then beat the egg yolk in a bowl, add lemon juice, cream, salt and pepper on top and beat continuously.
Then add the melted butter – 1 tbsp – at a time – while whisking, pour your mixture into the pan and cook on low heat for 30 seconds, while stirring.

How to do well with poached eggs?

Fill a saucepan with water and bring to a boil.
Reduce heat to medium-low — small bubbles rise to surface — then break each egg into a ladle and place in pot.
Remove the skillet, then let the egg cook for 3 to 5 minutes and remove it using a skimmer.
While cooking, if a white froth appears around the egg, remove it with a spoon and then throw it away.

While eggs are cooking, grill bacon slices in a pan over medium heat, turning with spatula, for 2 minutes.
Then toast 4 English muffins for 2 minutes on each side.


Place a piece of grilled bacon on each loaf, a poached egg on top, then pour 2 Tbsp of Hollandaise Sauce over it.
Lastly, here’s your English style egg sandwich, serve and everyone has a good appetite.


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