Dalgona Coffee is the most delicious trendy Korean drink, a real delight for your dessert or breakfast, here is an easy recipe for at home and for the whole family.


– 3 tbsp instant coffee
– 2 tbsp sugar
– 3 tbsp boiling water
– 24 cl milk
– Pieces of ice
– Cookies of your choice – such as cigar cookies
– dark chocolate chips


First of all, put the coffee with sugar and hot water in a bowl and beat continuously for 5 to 6 minutes.
It would be ideal to use an electric mixer on medium speed to make a nice coffee foam.
Then put ice cubes in your glass and pour milk on top, add 2 tbsp mousse and stir with a spoon.
Then pour 1 tsp coffee mousse on top and garnish with chocolate chips and cookies.
Lastly, here’s your Dalgona Coffee, serve and everyone has a good appetite.


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