Boxed Apricot Tart, a real delight to prepare at home for your dessert, you will love it.


1 puff pastry
1 can of canned apricots
2 egg yolks
1 tsp cornstarch
100 grams sugar
120 g fresh cream
1.5 tbsp milk
3 tbsp chopped almonds


Firstly preheat your oven to 180 degree, dry your apricots, spread the dough in tart molds or mini tart molds as per your choice.
Prick the bottom with a fork and put in the oven for blind baking for 15 minutes.
Then, in a bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, cream, cornflour, milk, and sugar.
Divide your mixture into either tartlets or spread over pies, then top with apricots.
If you opt for the pie, sprinkle everything with chopped almonds and put in the oven to cook for 20 minutes.

Boxed Apricot Tart 1
Finally, here’s your Boxed Apricot Pie, serve it up and everyone has a good appetite.


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